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Consulting skills


Political Acumen is Ethical

Political Acumen is Ethical

Many people shy away from the idea of political acumen in business because the...

Cindy Tonkin January 1, 2018
Get appreciated at work

Get appreciated at work

Being under-appreciated at work isn't fun. It makes everything harder. Home, Work, Friends and...

Cindy Tonkin January 1, 2018
What qualifications do I need to be a Consultant?

What qualifications do I need to be a Consultant?

Linda* bought my Consultants' Guide series yesterday. She wanted to know whether her experience was...

Cindy Tonkin May 10, 2017
Get clients to do what you ask

Get clients to do what you ask

Get clients to listen and do what you ask. This is the point of...

Cindy Tonkin March 4, 2017
Quoting corporate consulting

Quoting corporate consulting

Quoting corporate consulting jobs can be tricky. Out of the blue you've been asked...

Cindy Tonkin February 23, 2017
Possessives and apostrophes mostly

Possessives and apostrophes mostly

This gem came to me via Facebook. You would be surprised how much grammar...

Cindy Tonkin January 1, 2017
Commonly misused words

Commonly misused words

Due to the imminent departure of an eminent official, we'll be delaying our afternoon...

Cindy Tonkin January 1, 2017
38  common spelling and grammar errors

38 common spelling and grammar errors

Check out Mental Floss' common spelling and grammar errors. I like this video because:...

Cindy Tonkin January 1, 2017
Word Crimes from Weird Al

Word Crimes from Weird Al

In case you'd like to see it again, here's Weird Al's Word Crimes.

Cindy Tonkin January 1, 2017
Loving Language

Loving Language

Stephen Fry ranting on loving language. He mentions a few common errors, but also...

Cindy Tonkin January 1, 2017