Smarter, faster, nicer
Smarter Data People makes your team easier to managegives them skills to keep their...
What the death of data science means to you
This post about the death of data science supports my long held belief that...
Magic with difficult people
If you've ever received an email or a call from a cranky person, then...
You already know this. That's why it will be useful
You already know about pacing and leading. It's the fundamental building block for getting...
Consulting Team Potential
Your data scientists, analysts and researchers are smart. They can do amazing things. Are you...
Saying no is the hardest lesson
Was talking to a client about my Make No Sound like Yes program today....
Take more breaks earlier (and you'll need fewer breaks)
Ya just gotta take a break! See why and how. Some gems: take breaks...
Presence and how to improve yours
Sandra knows her stuff. She understands the data. Knows where the holes are and...
Networking isn’t sleazing
Networking isn’t sleazing. This tip exists for two reasons: Don’t be sleazy when you...
What’s their intention?
Most important people are busy – don’t imagine malign intention when incompetence will explain...