Manage time using Business Process Re-engineering (BPR)
Manage time using Business Process Re-engineering (BPR). BPR your life takes the principles of...
Train your data science team: 6 ways to muck it up
Training your data science team is tough. They are already fabulously smart. Making them smarter,...
How do you get people to do what is good for them? How do...
Learning-Credibility Tension
New client? You’re facing learning-credibility tension. You need to juggle the need to know...
Leaders come in early as a coach, not late as a judge
The most effective leaders set review dates not just due dates. This allows them...
Recruiting? Looking for a job? If you’re looking for a job Here are some...
They're not idiots, they're just not you
I’m a fan of using type tools to give teams insight into what often...
Better questions: get them to tell you what they don't want to
Here’s a great way to get people to tell you what they don’t want...
Job interview or audition?
Are you going to a job interview, or are you auditioning for the job?...
Office Politics: The other side
We all agree that nasty office politics can be just too hard. Very rarely...