They're not idiots, they're just not you
I’m a fan of using type tools to give teams insight into what often...

More and better questions
people don’t somehow understand the link between asking questions and becoming more likable This...

Psychological Safety
Psychological safety builds resilient teams. The Two Traits of the best problem-solving teams is...

Asking questions: Getting context
Since all meaning is contextual then asking questions is one of the best ways...

One Key To A Happy Team?
Keeping teams happy can be tricky. Will these keys work for your team? Storytelling...

In person is 34 x times better than email
Harvard Business Review says it's 34 times more effective to ask for something face-to-face...

Concentrate (don't multi-task)
I've been running a leadership program for the past year or so. I do...

Leadership, Levels and History
Leadership is not just one thing but many. Here are some different approaches. First, an...

Five Problems for Data Science Consulting teams
There are five key problems for data scientist consulting teams right now. The key...

Get More Value for Your Training
Make the most of your training time and money by whipping your team into...