This interesting article around gratitude - remembering that it's about the thought behind the...

Ordinary Conversation - a foundation for good politics!
Working with Clevers in organisations I find that they are often at a loss...

Storytelling for Bold Change
Recently read this article in Harvard Business Review about storytelling and change. Here are...

Emails: be quick
This article confirms what we already know: people are more likely to read and...

Link it to purpose and people will do more
This research from Adam Grant on fundraising shows how much more effective it can...

How minds change - a primer
I've been working through the podcast You are Not So Smart by David McRaney....

This morning I listened to a few interesting podcasts from Freakonomics. The one on...

Appreciating people
I've been running a Basecamp Leadership workshop for the human enterprise for a while...

Change Management Models
Here's an invaluable set of models to explain change.

IBM Boss
This podcast from Adam Grant who is interviewing the long-time head of IBM is...