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Presentations and meetings


Get people to do what you want: implied causatives

Get people to do what you want: implied causatives

To get people to do what you want, you can use pacing and leading....

Cindy Tonkin September 15, 2014
Cindy Tonkin articles

Cindy Tonkin articles

Cindy Tonkin articles for managers, consultants and leaders. Click on the link below to...

Cindy Tonkin September 14, 2014
Satir Categories of Gesture

Satir Categories of Gesture

Virginia Satir distinguished some classes of gesture in her family therapy sessions. These are...

Cindy Tonkin August 31, 2014
Tell good stories

Tell good stories

Telling good stories is a great way to lead, entertain and educate When you start...

Cindy Tonkin July 30, 2014
Talking so people listen

Talking so people listen

Julian Treasure gives a leisurely and informative talk which encompasses the 7 deadly sins...

Cindy Tonkin July 11, 2014
Presenting and persuading tips

Presenting and persuading tips

Presenting and persuading are key consulting skills. You probably spend a large chunk of...

Cindy Tonkin June 4, 2014
7 tips on Presenting your case: Cindy's article published in Canada

7 tips on Presenting your case: Cindy's article published in Canada

Mortage Broker News in Canada picked up an article I wrote for Mortgage Professional...

Cindy Tonkin June 4, 2014
Should I tell you now, or should I tell you later?

Should I tell you now, or should I tell you later?

When you tell someone about your product can influence whether they buy it or...

Cindy Tonkin May 9, 2014
Sometimes old-fashioned works better: retain what you write down
Cindy Tonkin April 27, 2014
Criticize with Kindness

Criticize with Kindness

How to Criticize with Kindness Is a summary of philosopher Daniel Dennett's book which includes...

Cindy Tonkin March 31, 2014