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Smarter change

Consulting Well




How do you get people to do what is good for them? How do...

Cindy Tonkin September 3, 2018
Skills Matter

Skills Matter

Skills matter: I know that I’m skewed towards the importance of soft skills in...

Cindy Tonkin August 30, 2018
What chess teaches us about relationships

What chess teaches us about relationships

If you’re smart and you want to be smarter, this podcast is fabulous. Shane...

Cindy Tonkin August 27, 2018
Mind is flat

Mind is flat

Fascinating podcast from Second City Works (Kelly Leonard) and Nicholas Chater, a behavioural scientist,...

Cindy Tonkin August 18, 2018
Culture codes

Culture codes

I really loved the Culture Code, Dan Coyle’s recent book. In this podcast he...

Cindy Tonkin August 18, 2018
Writing better

Writing better

If you spend more than half of your day processing emails from customers, you’re...

Cindy Tonkin August 18, 2018
Humanising the workplace

Humanising the workplace

How do we make the workplace more human? It’s not always announced in the...

Cindy Tonkin August 18, 2018
Learning-Credibility Tension

Learning-Credibility Tension

New client? You’re facing learning-credibility tension. You need to juggle the need to know...

Cindy Tonkin August 18, 2018
From Career Coaches, Unfiltered Feedback

From Career Coaches, Unfiltered Feedback

Coach feedback is essential to success. Here’s the New York Times’ quick take on...

Cindy Tonkin August 6, 2018
Leaders come in early as a coach, not late as a judge

Leaders come in early as a coach, not late as a judge

The most effective leaders set review dates not just due dates. This allows them...

Cindy Tonkin July 21, 2018