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Consulting Well




Recruiting? Looking for a job? If you’re looking for a job Here are some...

Cindy Tonkin July 15, 2018
They're not idiots, they're just not you

They're not idiots, they're just not you

I’m a fan of using type tools to give teams insight into what often...

Cindy Tonkin July 11, 2018
Better questions: get them to tell you what they don't want to

Better questions: get them to tell you what they don't want to

Here’s a great way to get people to tell you what they don’t want...

Cindy Tonkin July 11, 2018
Dealing with anxiety and overwhelm

Dealing with anxiety and overwhelm

This song reduces anxiety significantly. I’m listening to the music now, I hate it, but...

Cindy Tonkin July 11, 2018
Job interview or audition?

Job interview or audition?

Are you going to a job interview, or are you auditioning for the job?...

Cindy Tonkin July 11, 2018
Office Politics: The other side

Office Politics: The other side

We all agree that nasty office politics can be just too hard. Very rarely...

Cindy Tonkin July 11, 2018
Improv: Noisy Group Mindfulness

Improv: Noisy Group Mindfulness

I love to improvise. I really do believe it keeps my brain young, it...

Cindy Tonkin July 5, 2018
Emotions: Get finer grained for health and well being!

Emotions: Get finer grained for health and well being!

People who can construct finely-grained emotional experiences go to the doctor less frequently, use...

Cindy Tonkin July 5, 2018
Why you should take notes by hand

Why you should take notes by hand

Old-fashioned note taking makes information easier to retrieve in your head. Pencil and paper...

Cindy Tonkin July 5, 2018
More and better questions

More and better questions

people don’t somehow understand the link between asking questions and becoming more likable This...

Cindy Tonkin July 5, 2018