Detail People - love 'em!
Detail people: They can drive you crazy, or you can love them. Here’s how...
Helping clients adjust to change
Brendan’s assignment is to get a factory working again after they slimmed down staff....
Sell ideas hypnotically
When you sell ideas with hypnotic language, you have a greater chance of success....
Giving feedback people hear
Giving feedback so people hear it is not as obvious as it sounds. Andrew's...
Managing performance: Five tips and some leads
Managing Performance can be tricky. Here are five tips and some leads on how...
Manage difficult clients: reverse psychology
Manage your difficult clients more easily.If you've ever put 'don't hesitate to call' at...
Managing difficult staff with empathy
When managing difficult staff, empathy isn't enough! She’s going through tough times. You empathise....
The Spelling Secret
If you're a creative speller then you'll be surprised by this way of learning...
NLP Presuppositions
NLP Presuppositions are the underlying principles behind how NLPers think. They're not necessarily true,...
Procrastination Help!
Procrastination is tough. Here are seven tips to help you when you feel like...