Branding: Naming your consultancy
So what do you call your consultancy? In It's Official! Setting up your Australian Consultancy...

I'm a consultant: but what is my specialty?
After a 30 year career in the public sector: Local, State and Federal I...

How to add your new book to your kindle device
My Consultant's Guides are available in kindle and in pdf. Once you've bought one, if...

Don't quit your job yet!
Nothing scheduled at the moment for this seminar So many consultants make silly mistakes that...

I review ANZ Business Ready and Honcho
If you're just setting up your consultancy there are plenty of people who'd like...

Some tips on selling things
Selling can seem hard. And yet there are some very simple principles. Click here...

Do you really need a consulting web page?
Your consulting web page came up in the Vital Must-dos before you quit your...

89 things plus 5
A couple of years ago in response to a client question (How do I...

Be an Expert
Consultants need to be experts. Whether you cringe at making yourself one (and you...

Contractor or employee matters
It's important to be clear on any sub contractors you use to get your...