What chess teaches us about relationships
If you’re smart and you want to be smarter, this podcast is fabulous. Shane...
From Career Coaches, Unfiltered Feedback
Coach feedback is essential to success. Here’s the New York Times’ quick take on...
They're not idiots, they're just not you
I’m a fan of using type tools to give teams insight into what often...
Dealing with anxiety and overwhelm
This song reduces anxiety significantly. I’m listening to the music now, I hate it, but...
Improv: Noisy Group Mindfulness
I love to improvise. I really do believe it keeps my brain young, it...
Emotions: Get finer grained for health and well being!
People who can construct finely-grained emotional experiences go to the doctor less frequently, use...
Why you should take notes by hand
Old-fashioned note taking makes information easier to retrieve in your head. Pencil and paper...
Procrastination Is Literally Killing You
If you tend to put it off, consider your health. “chronic procrastinators avoid taking...
A feedback option that works
You want to get feedback so you can improve. But it's hard to take...
Motivate yourself!
It’s not talent that distinguishes the great from the also-ran. It’s motivation. Here are:...