Writing procedures that last
Notes from a recent job where I was updating Standard Operating Procedures for a...

One of the fundamentals for consulting is great listening, followed closely by the ability...

Better Emails
If you spend the greater part of your day writing and reading emails, consider...

Persuasive rhetoric from way back
Three elements of a persuasive speech and how to use them. From Aristotle, logic,...

Writing better
If you spend more than half of your day processing emails from customers, you’re...

Why you should take notes by hand
Old-fashioned note taking makes information easier to retrieve in your head. Pencil and paper...

Asking questions: Getting context
Since all meaning is contextual then asking questions is one of the best ways...

Magic with difficult people
If you've ever received an email or a call from a cranky person, then...

You already know this. That's why it will be useful
You already know about pacing and leading. It's the fundamental building block for getting...

Love means never having to say you’re sorry
"Management apologises for any inconvenience caused" doesn’t resonate as personally as "I’m so sorry"....